Visit to Canterbury

Posted on 16th January 2020 by Br. Gildas

Visit to Canterbury

The marker for the Roper family crypt

Today, some of the confreres visited Canterbury on a mini-pilgrimage.

The day began with the veneration of a relic of St Thomas of Canterbury at the local Catholic church, before a visit to the Cathedral, where we prayed at the site of St Thomas's martyrdom. We also prayed at the tomb of Cardinal Reginald Pole, as well as at many other sacred spots in this ancient place. We then visited St Dunstan's church. This is where Henry II put on sackcloth for the final part of his pilgrimage of reparation to Becket's tomb. It is also believed to be the resting place of the skull of St Thomas More, which his daughter, Meg, rescued following her father's martyrdom. It was eventually placed in her husband's family vault under the church's Roper chapel. Here we prayed for More's intercession, and felt particularly close to this great saint in this holy place.

It was a wonderful little pilgrimage. A day of two martyrs called Thomas, and of many happy graces.

St Thomas of Canterbury, pray for us.

St Thomas More, pray for us.